Here I offer serious answers to serious questions... To begin, to give an idea of what services I offer, I took a few example questions from Yahoo's answers page and decided to post them with my own personal answers, here.
Question about miracles and death
Question about god and the supernatural
Question World policy against Iran
Why is it that you have to die first in order to do miracles and stuff, when the disciples did alive? Why do we have to die first but yet those in the first century didn't have to die first? - Tiger of Judah
A good question, 'Tiger'. Why, indeed. The answer may surprise you... See, we don't HAVE to die first. However, death does give a person a certain new 'perspective' on things that we, in such a heavily science time period, have lost sight of. We become more open to the things beyond our science, as we've now been exposed to them and now have a different view on such things. This opens our minds to more miraculous things. But, just where not everyone who performs such 'miracles' had to die, likewise, not everyone who's died is able to perform miracles. It's all more a matter of the state of mind. Most people know that doing extraordinary things is impossible, and therefore are unable to do such things. But, to those that know that such things are not only possible, but quite simple when you know how, they become almost common events. A lot easier to believe such things if you think it's the Gods that hail down the thunderbolts and that a man in a chariot is the one that carries the sun around the world.
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How can people believe in a god but not the supernatural? - Ho11y
Interesting observation. How indeed. When you come to think about it, people believe in many things, as many as they can lack belief in. Some may believe in ghosts, but not aliens. Some believe in the 'science of nature' as being 'magic', and as it's a science, they may disregard the belief of spirits. Those who have a belief in God, but nothing else supernatural tend to have the belief that God pulls your soul from your body, and then you go to heaven/hell (depending on each situation) and that's where you stay. Thusly, no soul roams the earth, no ghosts, no out there situations. Things are the way they are. Of course, this is all just a matter of belief, which I think we come to find that all things that we can't see or touch or feel tends to be.
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IRANS Leader has said Israel will be eraser as soon as he gets a nukclear weapon. This Infidel (Irand Leader) also says the hollocast never happened. The Hollocast is where 6 milluion jews apparently died. If a World Leader claims this and has said he is gonna erase Israel, Will leadrs of the other worlds super powers be arrested by interpol for war crimes, since they could have saved israel by taking out iran before iran makes good on its threats? - Ahhhh...Yup
Well, Mr. Yup... We begin to ask what is it the world should get involved with, and what shouldn't they? The world decided that Mr. Hussein needed to be drawn out of power, and now the entire world is criticizing the U.S. not only for being in a country that they don't belong in, but also asking why they aren't in other countries with great atrocities. It's a very frustrating position for America especially, as it would seem most other countries don't wish to get involved with anything unless America does first. This isn't always the case. Afterall, Russia had fought against Iraq long before America did, though ironically America was aiding Iraq at that time. But, generally speaking... The problem is, if America moved against Iran, the rest of the world would be hesitant to follow them this time because of the dealings in Iraq. However, though the world would think that everyone should move against Iran at that time, those that do move would later be criticized for their movement when things don't go the way everyone wants it to (IE: They want countries to move into Iran, stop the nuclear potential, and move out. It won't work that way.)
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