Answers II
Here I offer a more realistic answer to your... Questions. To begin, to give an idea of what services I offer, I took a few example questions from Yahoo's answers page and decided to post them with my own personal answers, here.
Question about miracles and death
Question about god and the supernatural
Question World policy against Iran
Why is it that you have to die first in order to do miracles and stuff, when the disciples did alive? Why do we have to die first but yet those in the first century didn't have to die first? - Tiger of Judah
A good question, 'Tiger'. Why, indeed. The answer may surprise you... See, we don't HAVE to die first. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Rather than you DYING to perform miracles, you simply have to have an audience that was born yesterday! That's right, the secret to performing miracles isn't the performing of miracles themselves, but convincing your audience that you can perform miracles (see David Blaine). Anyone who watches Family Guy or South Park has been witness to the great Miracles of Jesus! Where he converted a hand with three fingers being held up and two fingers on the other hand to five fingers on one hand being held up, while the other held up none, right behind his head! And let's not forget the water to wine trick... "Just... Turn around." Yes, even the most novice can perform these miracles. In fact, South Park has been found to be an excellent source on learning how. Just check out their episode on John Edwards, and you can learn to speak to the dead! However, if you can convince people that you can perform miracles, I'm certain you can convince them that you had come back from the dead to do so, and thus make your miracles all the more... Miraculous!
How can people believe in a god but not the supernatural? - Ho11y
Interesting observation. All it needs is more observance. See, the answer's really quite simple... People are idiots. They have no idea what it is they believe. Have you checked out the religions? It doesn't matter which religion you look at, or how they claim their religion is 'untainted', there's 50 different versions of each one of them. And then, they go to war against those that believe in the different version from their own. That is, when they're not at war with other religions for being different altogether. People have no clue what it is they really believe in. Many people aren't really sure if they believe in what they claim to believe in. The short of it, the answer to your question that is, is simple... People are idiots. That's how.
IRANS Leader has said Israel will be eraser as soon as he gets a nukclear weapon. This Infidel (Irand Leader) also says the hollocast never happened. The Hollocast is where 6 milluion jews apparently died. If a World Leader claims this and has said he is gonna erase Israel, Will leadrs of the other worlds super powers be arrested by interpol for war crimes, since they could have saved israel by taking out iran before iran makes good on its threats? - Ahhhh...Yup
Wait, what? First off... Ahhh.. Yup? What kind of name is that? Secondly, you spell nuclear like our president pronounces it. Are you both idiots? I deny the hollocast, too. Now, the holocaust is something completely different. Sounds like you're talking about the bandages after they're taken off a broken leg! (Hollow cast.) Typos (I'm sure) aside, yeah, sure, let's rush in there to another Middle Eastern country to assure that we get criticized for yet another 'American Fuck-Up'. We went in to save Vietnam, and got slammed by the press. Did it again for Korea, and now the Korean populace is bitching about us being there. There were some problems in Germany years before either of those, and now that we're assuring protection there, they're getting upset, too. But, that's probably because we went in to save the freakin' civilians in Iraq, and have everyone hating us for it! So, tell me... Tell me why the hell we should risk our necks for yet another country that wouldn't appreciate it, just so the world can tell us how we're trying to be the 'World Police'. There's no appreciation for what the American armed forces do, either abroad or even at home, so why in the hell should we continue risking our necks to save everyone else's? Why? Because, if we don't, then everyone will bitch that we're not doing our responsibility, like they are for Rwanda and other such countries. There is no making you people happy...